<aside> 📩 FIGURES TEMPLATE From: you To: Team Managers Cc: Leadership Team Object: (Salary Bands) Your team’s salary bands review and validation

Hello all,

Salary bands are in the works, and I need your help finalizing them.

As a reminder, here are the parameters that have been used to create our bands in general:

A detailed project page with the whole methodology is still available here (link to be added).

Following this email, you will receive an invite to connect to Figures and access salary bands for your team, as well as an invite for a meeting with me in the coming days.

Before this meeting, please take the time to review the bands built for your team and check the following:

During the meeting, we’ll make sure to confirm all ranges are ok and to confirm each individual positioning, along with the potential impacts:

↗️ Some may get a salary increase linked to the introduction of the bands 🛑 Some may already be too high compared to the bands and will have to be explained that their compensation will be blocked until they get to a higher level of performance

⚠️ Details about these communications will come later on, please DO NOT COMMUNICATE anything to your teams yet!

Reminder of the project timeline 3️⃣ From (date) to (date), we’ll reach out to each of you to review your team’s band and the positioning of your direct reports in these bands. We’ll send you an email beforehand to share the data and have you prepare the meeting beforehand 4️⃣ Before (date) we’ll meet, with you, all employees impacted by the introduction of the salary bands to explain their situation and if there is any change for them 5️⃣ On (date), we will globally roll out our new salary bands to everyone in the company 🎉


Your fav HR person ❤️
