<aside> 🤝 General meeting guidelines

Participants - Manager, Managee, HR

1️⃣ Give context on the project - What happened over the last weeks and why? What are the methodology and tools used?

2️⃣ Explain their initial position in the range - Were they below/above/within range? And how this position has been determined in the past?

3️⃣ New position - If you’re adjusting their position in the range, explain why they end up where they end up

4️⃣ Detail compensation impacts - Could be a salary increase (As of when? New fixed/bonus? Overall % of increase?). Or that their compensation will be blocked until they reach the performance level aligned with their compensation.

5️⃣ Reminder - It’s an exceptional process; it won’t happen every year; if they received a substantial increase, they shouldn’t expect it to happen the same way next time, etc.


<aside> 🗒️ Follow-up information letter

To the attention of (First name) (Last name),

Following the introduction of internal salary bands, we have carried out a review of everyone's salaries, and it has been decided to grant you an increase.

As a reminder, your position on the salary bands is as follows:

I am therefore pleased to inform you that the total amount of your increase is :

→ XX euros gross per month, i.e. XX€ gross per year

This increase will take effect from (date).

(optional) A change in the amount of your bonus also accompanies this increase. Your new annual bonus, which remains linked to the achievement of your objectives previously defined and brought to your attention at the beginning of the period by management, will amount to XX€.

All applicable social security charges and CSG-CRDS will be deducted from this sum.

We are delighted to continue working with you, and thank you for your commitment to the team.

Your dear CEO ❤️


<aside> 🗒️ Follow-up information letter

A l’attention de « Prénom » « Nom »,

Suite à la mise en place de grilles de rémunération internes, nous avons mené une revue des salaires de chacun, et il a été décidé de t’accorder une augmentation.

Pour rappel ton positionnement sur cette grille est le suivant:

J’ai donc le plaisir de t’informer que le montant global de ton augmentation est de :

→ XX euros brut par mois soit XX€ brut annuel

Cette augmentation prendra effet à compter du (date)

(optionnel) Cette augmentation s’accompagne également d’un changement du montant de ton bonus. Ton nouveau bonus annuel dont le versement reste lié à l’atteinte de tes objectifs préalablement définis et portés à ta connaissance en début d’exercice par la direction, sera d’un montant de : XX€

De ces sommes, seront déduites toutes les charges sociales en vigueur et la CSG-CRDS.

Nous sommes ravis de poursuivre notre collaboration avec toi et te remercions pour ton investissement au sein de l’équipe.

Your dear CEO ❤️
