⚠️ Most of this communication should be included in an internal note/notion page for better documentation of the process

🚧 It is obviously to be adjusted depending on your level of transparency internally

<aside> 📩 From: you To: all.team

Subject: (People) Launching our brand new salary bands 🎉

Hello all,

As some of you may know, the Leadership and People teams have been working on the salary bands project over the last few weeks.

Why working on salary bands now?

⚖️ They bring more transparency and fairness: we want to make sure you understand why you are paid what you are paid, and where you stand on a more global scale when it comes to compensation. Also, compensation decisions shouldn’t be a black box, the mechanisms are the same for everyone and, we want to make sure it’s clear to everyone.

🧲 Understanding where you stand today is a first step, but we also want to give you the ability to project yourselves in the longer term. We want to prevent you from any surprises or doubts about how you can and will evolve by remaining engaged with us!

⚙️ It’s also a way to make pay discussions and decisions more effective, thanks to a well-oiled system. We are limiting exceptions and negotiations thanks to a non-biased mechanism relying on meritocracy and transparency.

What methodology did we use to build our bands? Our salary bands rely mainly on 2 things:

You can check the full methodology on the dedicated note here (link to be added).

Who has access to these bands?

(To be adjusted depending on your transparency policy)

What are the impacts?

Should you have any questions, please reach out to your manager or myself.


Your fav HR person ❤️
